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Certification Exam Review

Certification Exam Review for Pharmacy Technicians, Fifth Edition


Edition: 5

Copyright: 2021

Pages: 298

Certification Exam Review for Pharmacy Technicians reviews content covered in the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) and the Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT). Students learn study and test-preparation strategies and tips for passing one of these high-stakes exams.


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Sarah M. Lawrence, PharmD, MA, BCGP has over 18 years of experience in the profession of pharmacy, as a technician, intern, and pharmacist. Her pharmacy experience includes community pharmacy, corporate long-term care, medical education, and academia. She is board certified in geriatrics. Dr. Lawrence served as program director of an ASHP-accredited pharmacy technician program and earned the Roy Kemp Award in 2019; it recognizes the national pharmacy technician educator of the year. She has taught at all levels of higher education, including undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students. Dr. Lawrence is director of pharmacy technician education for PharmCon freeCE, a division of Knowfully Learning Group, a leading provider of continuing education. Dr. Lawrence served as national president of the Pharmacy Technician Educators Council 2019–2020.


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Cheryl Aiken, BS, PharmD, RPh, is an assistant manager and pharmacy informatics specialist at the Brattleboro Retreat, a private psychiatric hospital in Brattleboro, Vermont. In addition to her work in the psychiatric field, she has served as a community pharmacist for independent and chain pharmacies, and as a staff pharmacist at the Brattleboro Memorial Hospital. She serves as the preceptor for IPPE and APPE Pharmacy Interns from Albany College of Pharmacy, Western New England College of Pharmacy and Husson University. In 2002, she helped establish an associate’s degree and the Pharmacy Technician Training Program certificate at Vermont Technical College.


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