According to a late 2014 survey conducted by the Pew Research Internet and American Life Project, 61% of American workers say that email is “very important” in doing their jobs. However, many don’t utilize all the available email features which ultimately can make their job easier. Below is a list of email tips one can use to become more efficient at work and at home:
  • Organize messages in folders. You can create folders and move messages from the main Inbox into particular folders. This can help you organize messages by client, project, or topic, making it easier to find a particular message when you need to refresh your memory.
  • Assign priorities to outgoing messages. For example, assigning a high priority to an outgoing message alerts the recipient that immediate attention or action is required.
  • Work with message attachments. This includes not only sending an attachment with a message and working with received attachments, but also understanding company and client guidelines about attachments. For example, many Internet Service Providers and company IT departments block certain types of attachments that may contain malicious software.
  • Work with the spam trap. While normally you want the Spam or Junk folder to scoop up as many unwanted emails as possible, in some cases a legitimate message may be marked as spam. Learning how to check the spam trap and adjust its settings or rules helps make sure all legitimate messages arrive in the Inbox.
Which email tools do you use to be more efficient at work?Source:Technology’s Impact on Workers by Kristin Purcell and Lee RaineComputers: Understanding Technology Fifth Edition by Floyd Fuller, Brian Larson, Lisa A. Bucki, and Faithe Wempen