PTCE Exam Review from PharmCon freeCE

About this Learning Tool

Paradigm has partnered with PharmCon freeCE to offer their award-winning, adaptive learning tool: PTCE Exam Review from PharmCon freeCE. Included with all of Paradigm’s Pharmacy Technician titles, this tool generates personalized study plans based on each student’s individual strengths and knowledge gaps. The PTCE Exam Review helps students identify the fastest path to a passing score and even indicates when they are ready to pass—taking the guesswork out of PTCE study.

Updated for 2024!

  • All questions were checked for accuracy and up-to-date information
  • 30 NEW questions were added, bringing the total to 770 questions

A.S.A.P.® Technology

AI-powered software generates a fully customized study plan to bridge learners' knowledge gaps, getting learners exam-ready up to 4x faster.


ReadySCORE takes the guesswork out of exam readiness by predicting what learners would score on the PTCE exam with incredible accuracy. 

Detailed Performance Reports

Learners will have comprehensive reporting at their fingertips, detailing their proficiency in each topic and question type, study progress, how long it will take to get exam-ready, and more.

Real-Time Algorithms

Real-time algorithms assess the progress learners make with each passing study session and adjust future study plans to ensure learners are staying on the quickest route to a passing score.


MyMCQ pushes learners toward proficiency 17% faster by automatically and continually adjusting the difficulty of the multiple-choice questions based on the learner's current level of mastery. Rather than wasting time on questions that are too easy, MyMCQ challenges students to learn more in much less time.

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PTCE Exam Review from PharmCon freeCE

How It Works


Students complete a series of questions pulled from all exam areas to determine their ReadySCORE™. Students will find out how they would score if they took the PTCE today, where their knowledge gaps reside, and how many study hours they need to achieve a passing score.


Using students’ unique assessment results, ongoing study session behavior, and real PTCE content weightings, the PTCE Exam Review from PharmCon freeCE creates a personalized study program that continually adapts to students’ progress. Each time students log in, they will see suggested, tailored study plans.


To fully prepare for the PTCE, students can take unlimited practice exams. Their ReadySCORE™ will tell them when they are ready to pass the exam.


Students who achieve a ReadySCORE™ of at least 75 pass the PTCE 88% of the time.

[Certification Exam Review] proved to be a valuable tool along with the other Paradigm textbooks for the students to be 100 percent successful in passing. Jack Shepherd Pharmacy Technology Program Director Oconee Fall Line Technical College

See What Educators Are Saying

"All 10 of my students recently passed the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam at Oconee Fall Line Technical College. We use the Paradigm series of textbooks in our program for pharmacy technicians. Certification Exam Review for Pharmacy Technicians, Fifth Edition—which includes free access to PharmCon exam preparation study modules—proved to be very successful.

The textbook was designed with the new PTCE blueprint and the PharmCon free access allows the student to take mock questions from the PTCE blueprint and provides the student with explanations for all questions. It also provides a ReadySCORE™ at the completion of the module that gives them a percentage of likely success on the PTCE. It proved to be a valuable tool along with the other Paradigm textbooks for the students to be 100 percent successful in passing."

Jack Shepherd, Pharmacy Technology Program Director
Oconee Fall Line Technical College

A Complete Solution

Our Pharmacy Technician series is a complete program solution that develops the skills and knowledge students need to become certified pharmacy technicians. Our full suite of products, competency mapping guides, and program support are designed for success and meet ASHP and ACPE standards.

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