It is important to be approachable so that your students and co-workers feel comfortable talking to you, especially when raising their questions and concerns about course material and exams. Being unapproachable often creates a communication barrier which can lead to larger, unpleasant problems such as resentment, fear, and disrespect. These issues can significantly inhibit student learning. Many instructors don’t realize they may be behaving in ways that can make them seem unapproachable to their students. Some examples of those behaviors include:
  • Appearing to be in a hurry and not fully engaging in conversations before and after class
  • Giving little response or acknowledgment in conversations
  • Only interacting with students on a necessary basis
  • Only giving negative feedback to students
  • Criticizing or seeming impatient when students do not quickly grasp a concept
To avoid these actions, consider the following tips:
  • Greet your class warmly and begin by engaging students with a non-course related question or story.
  • Let students know that you are available for help and to answer questions before and after classes, as well as during office hours.
  • Give more positive feedback than negative feedback on assignments.
  • Allow students to fully express their thoughts and questions before replying.
For additional information about skills that will help you succeed at work and in life, check out the Soft Skills Solutions Package, a booklet series produced by our sister company JIST Career Solutions.