deniseseguin-989x1024Posted by Denise Seguin. The Internet of Things (IoT) is described in Our Digital World 3e as “connectivity between people and devices”. Examples of these devices ranges from our coffee maker, refrigerator, dishwasher, alarm clock, and even the watch on our wrist. Acuity Group, a digital marketing company, surveyed 2000 U.S. consumers in 2014 about their behavior and preferences related to IoT and predicts there will be explosive growth in this field over the next decade. Consider these results in their report titled The Internet of Things: The Future of Consumer Adoption:
  • 30% of consumers already own or plan to purchase an in-home IoT device in the next two years.
  • By 2016, wearable technology devices is expected to reach a 28% adoption rate.
  • Wearable fitness applications and technologies are the most popular devices with smart watches the second most popular device.
  • In the next five years, 14% of consumers expect to purchase smart clothing.
With this data in mind, don’t’ be surprised if you see a person walking down the street talking to their watch or reading a display on their sleeve. Don’t jump when the coffee maker says “good morning” and already brew you a fresh pot of coffee. This is after your your alarm clock told you the current weather and traffic conditions, and you walk into the kitchen. The Internet of Things will continue to change how we connect to one another.What do you think? Will having all of your electronic devices connected to each other and constantly communicating make your life easier, or will you find the constant notifications or alerts annoying? Are you concerned about your personal privacy in this IoT world? Share with us your thoughts in the comment section below!